
This blog is dedicated to teaching solar energy concepts to elementary students in 3rd grade. The blog contains a lesson plan for 5 days including hands-on activities for each day.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Overview of lesson plan

This unit is designed to present students with some basic concepts of solar energy (what is it and how we use it – what materials store solar energy – how the sun affects the earth and where we live – using sunlight to produce electricity – how sunlight can cause objects to change color: ultraviolet light). In addition to teacher led presentations and visual aids, students will participate daily in hands-on activities led by the teacher. Students will be guided in class discussions of the subject matter. All lessons provide modifications to include exceptional learners.

Concept Map

5 Day Lesson Plan Unit Link


Here Comes the Sun video

To view a shorter version of the solar energy experiments click this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Lu9q0QIltU

Solar Energy Video

This is a link to the full length video explaining three experiments from the lesson plan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpvF4uXcn1I